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How to Make a Grape Costume - for Halloween & Costume Parties

A Simple Costume for Wine Lovers

Wine costume idea

DIY This Simple Wine Grape Costume in Minutes

Step 1  Order Wine Colored Balloons on Amazon and inflate them to a normal size. I found that these balloons looked best and had the best grape coloring once inflated.  

Balloon costume DIY

Step 2
Once inflated, use some black string and a needle to weave the balloons together. This makes it easier when shaping the costume. You will want to weave the string and needle through the tips of the balloons.  

Balloon costume DIY

Step 3
As the balloons are strung together, begin shaping them to how you want the grape to look. At this stage, you may want to add or decrease the amount of balloons being used.  

Wine costume DIY


Step 4
Wrap the threaded balloons around your body and tie together when needed. To give it a finished look I paired the balloons with a grape colored top, khaki bottoms and black boots with a glass of wine (of course)! 


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